Sunday is a day that is divided, the people who think the week starts with a Sunday and the people who believe that the week ends with a Sunday, I tend to go for the latter and I think its because of my school days.

So this is what I have done over the last two weeks, I have been out with Laura to a little hidden away cafe called 'the Secret Garden Cafe' it is a really cute little cafe with amazing fresh food, For the size of the cafe it has a great range of locally sourced produce and fresh veg, I now can not wait to go there again.

I also went to 'The Circus Mondao' which had a two week stay in Newport, It had animals in the Circus which is a rarity these days, it also had a acrobat that looked like the actor who played Richard in Lost and was pretty much the best asset the circus had. Being the giant 5 year old I am, I just had to own a spinning light which I will end up giving to my Nephew. It was enjoyable enough though I have been to better: 'Uncle Sams American Circus' is amazing.

I also cleaned out my cupboard in my hall, I keep forgetting to take my re-usable bags when I go shopping and having to buy more. (If you are not in Wales, we have to pay for all bags we buy including normal plastic carriers and all money goes to a charity of the businesses choice) In the cupboard I have a shelving unit and 2 of the shelves were filled with bags filled with more bags, must have had about 150. So I sorted through them and (threw them away) recycled them. I only done this because for the last 4 months my husband has been moaning about the amount of space they had taken up. Upon showing him the newly cleared area he then decided that I had thrown (recycled) away good money, bloody men!

I have been testing a few lips stains in the last two weeks and have also done a lot of shopping, however my bargain of the week is the ben and jerrys, which at £1.12 I just couldn't leave any on the shelf, Cherry Garcia is my new favourite and it has started to be like gold dust to find. My husband on seeing me writing this post stated that I must be out of things to say, and I told him that I could quite easily write a paragraph on the importance on Ben and Jerrys in my life and that it was a pure bargain at the price it was, so I have only said this much as this is now just to prove him wrong especially after the above tiff!

I found this on the ever fabulous What Laura Did blog and have decided to do this tag, as I haven't done a tag post for a long time.

What’s your favourite Spring nail polish?
At the moment I don't really have one this is due to the fact that in a stressful week I bit of all my nails and are currently trying to re-grow them, I have a lovely nars blue and coral barry m, but until my nails are back i wont be using them.

What is your must-have lip colour this Spring?
Coral, Coral, Coral, Rimmel Kate Moss matte lipstick in 110, Party Parrot, there are lots of similar choices.

Show us your favourite Spring dress?
I love this vintage 50s style dress on Ebay, however it is not in my size currently and I don't really have the funding to purchase it, but when I do I need to but it.

What’s your favourite flower?
I love Tulips, I love the colors, I love the look, I love that they can brighten up my day just by looking at them. Although as I am Welsh I am also quite partial to dafodils.

What is your favourite Spring scarf/accessory?
I have a lovely scarf that is pink and slightly floral with humming birds on it, however I can not find it to take any pictures of it and I can't remember where i got it from

What Spring trends are you most excited about this year (fashion, makeup or both)?
I'm looking forward to the floral and lace trends, I especially love lace on the shoulders.

Favourite Spring candle?
Bahama breeze from yankee candle is a beautiful fruity smell and there is also beautiful citrus scented candle, but i only smelt it in work and I can not remember the make, other than that I just love normal scents, like berries and clean linen.

Favourite body spray/perfume?
DKNY be delicious, its a fab scent for summer.

What is Spring like where you live?
Spring in Newport can be lovely, depending on where you are, there are beautiful parks and gardens that when in bloom can spark you imagination and take your breath away, even the sun glistening off the normally muddy water in the river can capture you eye and make the water look almost green.

What’s your favourite thing about Spring?
I love that the evening get lighter and the days get warmer (well normally), the heating slowly gets turned off and the sun wakes you up. The breeze can carry the scent of flowers and freshly cut grass and everyone seems to feel happier.

Are you a Spring cleaner?
I do spring clean, But I generally do a 'spring' clean every few months anyway, but there is something about doing it in spring, getting rid of the old, cleaning out the cupboards, fresh carpets, fresh start.

Any plans for a Spring break or upcoming vacation?
I have a wedding to go to in July and I'm going to try and save to go away for my 2nd year anniversary in September, but no real holidays, just time off work to sit at home and relax

  I tag you all to do this post and reveal more about yourself.

After being off work for 17 days and going back into one mad week, I can tell you that I'm not feeling great right now.

So I work in Tesco in one of the largest stores in the UK, I am a Team Leader on the Checkout and I deal with over 100 staff and thousands of customers in a week. Short of running around for both, I barely get a moment to sit down or take any stock. Our store which was expected to have calmed down now is taking on a mind of its own (fueled by the customers who visit it) and is increasingly getting more and more busy. I love my job and the challenges it brings, I do not however, love the impact it has on my body.

I am a large girl (that is not my jobs fault), I like my food. If anyone calls me fat I fully admit to being the only one in control of my body. I do however have a few health issues that may be exagerated by my weight but not created by it. A few weeks before Christmas I pulled my shoulder in work, Its still hurting and has even increased in pain. it has been almost 4 months since the initial cause and I now have cream that I have been rubbing in for a week with no difference made. My next possible move is an injection into the muscle that only has a 1 in 3 chance on improving it.

I have weak ankles, created from a injury when I was 13, my ankle could give way at any time or I may twist one at any time. This has led me to pull the ligament in my left ankle and twist it so hard it even dislocated. I have never broken either ankle and this is due to the high arch on my feet which makes it really hard for me to break them. This problem has not been helped by my weight, but once again its not the cause either and even if I was normal, I could still easily twist my ankle and when I was a normal size, I still did so frequently.

I fell on my knee onto solid concrete 10 years ago and it has never been right since, it frequently seizes up and causes me so much pain to unseize it that I end up crying. After a long day in work it hurts (and teamed with my ankle this is no picnic). I went to the doctors once and was told it was a genetic condition and was given some anti-inflamitory pills, which did nothing. It also took them 10 years to send me to physio for my ankles and with my shoulder now, I'm not really in any high hopes for a solution any time this decade.

My back is always in pain, even when I don't do anything, its all just varying degrees of pain. I suffer from asthma, which running around all day does not help, but it gets worse in the summer as the heat really gets to my breathing. I suffer from migraines which can lay me up for a day. Constant sleep issues to which I have now (after 15 year) been diagnosed with insomnia, but given nothing to help it. Due to the running around in my job I have developed plantar fasciitis, which is pain in the heel. I tend to have aches and pains, clicks and creaks in most of my joints and I probably have some form of arthritis, but I'm not expecting a diagnosis of any of my problems anytime soon.

So this is me, I live eveyday in pain, some days are easier than others and though I don't have any serious illness that is causing the pain, I wanted to let people out there know that no matter what has caused you pain, if you have any, you should not be afraid to say. I have friends with Fibromyalgia, lupus, early onset arthritis and many other difficulties. Their day to day life is 10times harder than me, but my pain is also 10times worse than others. Also don't be like me, I only go to my doctors when I can't take it any more, because they are inept and nothing ever gets done or I get fobbed off, don't wait or loose faith, your pain could be fixed with the right doctor!

Monday was a normal day to most people, went to work, looked after the kids, not for me. For me it was my 27th Birthday and to be fair it was one of the best birthdays Ive had in a long time. A lot of my birthdays since I was 18 have been ok but not good. This year I was spoiled and am still looking forward to one more night out, courtesy of Laura as the final celebration.
Lots of presents, went out for a meal and just generally had lots of fun, roll on next year!
I found this tag by Lianey of thelianey and I felt that I needed to do it to, Its a nice one that is quite drilling around your day to day beauty life.

Is your hair curly or straight?
My hair is straight, I need to use straighteners to get is sleek, and if I use a bobble it will automatically give me a kink, but it is straight.

What is your natural hair colour?
Urgh, I hate my nautral colour, it is a dark dark blonde that almost looks brown and it always looks greasy so I dye it all the time.

Do you dye it yourself or go to the salon?
Normally myself, I have done hightlights and gone from dark brown to blonde with the aid of a hairdresser but I like to do it myself and save myself a few pounds.

How often do you wash your hair?
Generally I wash my hair every other day, sometimes in the winter I may leave it 3 days and a lot of times in summer I do it everyday, It really just depends.

Do you wear the same style everyday or change it?
I tend to throw my hair up into a pony, as I'm not very original, I will sometimes have a play around and do twists or a french braid coming over my fringe line to the side, but its normally in a pony during the day and down for bed.

Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon? 
I like to play around with my own nails, I have never really done a pedi, not as detailed as I do with a mani. I have gone a few times to have my nails done, at one point I had false nails, but have now grown mine out and I am enjoying learning to style them.

How often do you change your nail polish?
I change them between 2 or 3 times a week, depending on work or if they get worn down.

Do you polish your toes in winter or just in summer?
My feet stay covered, so I rarely do them. but summer is more likely than winter.

How long does it take to put on your makeup?
Depending on my look, if its everyday it takes me 5 minutes, if I want to go more indepth its 10-15, and for a special occasion or night out it can take me 25.

What do you do first, face or eyes?
I normally do my face first, but if I am choosing an eyeshadow that has a lot of fall out I will do my eyes first.

Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I collect. I keep my make up far too long to never really throwing anything out til i hit pan or it dries up, I have more than I could use for the rest of my life, but I still want more.

How often do you wear false eye lashes?
I can't get on with false lashes, they never stick for me, so I stick to mascara.

Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
This really depends on my mood, but not normally, I have only 4 product that I tend to use on a day to day basis, bbcream, mascara, eye liner and a lip gloss/stick.

Do you wear makeup when your home alone, or with family?
No, I'm normally natural and don't really care.

Will you leave the house without makeup?
I have no problem leaving house without make up, but 8/10 days I need make up to cheer me up.

How many high end products do you have?
I have a few, but not lots, 2 foundations, 1 mascara, 2 nail varnishes, 1 primer, 1 highligher, 1 concealer, 1 lipgloss,  a few eye shadows.

How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
Normally about 2-3 weeks, I should do it more often, but im just too lazy.

Do you plan your OOTD every night or when you're getting dressed?
Only as I'm getting dressed, not often that I plan things like that.

How often do you change your handbag?
I have 3 handbags that I change and use as I fancy them.

What time do you get up and go to sleep?
I go to bed about midnight, but sleep is a thorny subject for me, I don't sleep well and it takes me a long time to get to sleep. I usually drag myself groggily out of bet about 9.

How often or when do you work out?
I don't really, unless I'm trying to lose weight.

Left handed or right handed?
Right handed.

How tall are you?
Around 5' 4, I think.

Do you speak a foreign language?
not really, despite 5 years of Welsh, 5 of German and 3 of French, I can't remember bugger all!

How many pets do you have?
I am not allowed pets where I live, but I have a god that lives with my parents.

Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
only a mental one, and most of the time I forget but that's what my amazing friend Laura is for, she always knows the key things going on in the beauty world.

How did you come up with your blog name?
I cant really remember, I know I wanted something with my name in it and I wanted something to show that it was me and all my thoughts and Christina's Way seemed right.

What kind of camera do you use for your photos?
I have a sony camera, a bog standard point and shoot that I use for my posts and I also use my phone a lot for instagram and fb ect, its just quicker sometimes.

How often do you clean your house?
I do a good deepish clean every week, with mini cleans to keep on top of it every few days, I do a spring clean in February and November.

Do you swear?
Yes, Like a trooper, not something that I'm proud of, but as my husband is chef it's hard to get away from it.

What is your favourite colour?
I love purple and it generally suits me too.

What are you doing with the rest of your day?
As its 1am and I'm doing this post because I can't sleep, I hope to get to sleep before half two and wake up early and work on more posts for the rest of the week tomorrow.

So, I hope your learnt more about me!
I TAG anyone who is reading this to do this! please let me know with a link to your page if you have I love to read more about you.
For once the weather man has been right and we've had a nice influx of snow. 9 times out of 10 they say were going to have snow and we have literally 20 flakes and that is it.

I have a love hate relationship with snow, I love to play in it and it looks stunning but it increases the chance of me twisting my ankle or having an accident.

I love the way that silence falls when there is a thick layer of snow on the ground, everything sounds muted and quiet. the uniform white is pretty and bright and relaxing. The smell as well, snow is fresh and clean and pure.

A good snow storm is a great start to the year, all I hope is that it doesn't turn to ice!

I haven't done a 'my week' post for ages so this one covers about 2 and a half weeks.
First I gave myself a french manicure, the first one in over a year and I also tried out my nail art kit, not the best result, but I'm happy for my first ever go.
I went out 2 times in the last week, and had lots of fun though one of those time resulted in my friend being asked if he had a 'Knife' I kid you not, It scares me what this world is coming to.
I have slowly started to master gel liner, and can draw a pretty decent line now, so I can say I'm pretty pleased with myself for that!
Some Baileys is essential for pretty much all occasions and I love to read about the up and coming films from total film magazine.
Dyed Lashes, new Kindle cover that is also a stand and starting to color in my Ryan Gosling Book. Great few weeks.
I also got a new tv and coffee table this week though my kindle still rules my heart!

Every Year, I make new years resolutions and I normally end up breaking them by the middle of Febuary!

This year I have decided to make my normal resolutions, but treat them as a goal more than a promise. I want to loose weight and to try and text my friends more, see certain people more and make more of an effort at keeping my place clean and tidy by doing things everyday.

Its strange to think that I don't text much, but I normally only text certain friends once a week, and I really want to break the habit of round robin text to everyone just saying hey how are you?

My place is never a pigsty or really dirty, I just seem to let certain things go and build up before i do them, like putting the washing away, there are 3 loads worth sitting on the spare bed that I need to sort out and put away. I will do this today. My bf Laura, lives her life by lists and as much as I love a good list I normally end up forgetting I even have one. Most of my lists are mental ones, that I tick off once its done!

My last goal is to just be more appreciative of everything, from a roof over my head, to a warm place, to my husband and friends to always having food in the cupboard. I feel ive taken a lot for granted lately and I want to start being less expectant at these things and more happy that I have them.

Better Late than never, here is a run down of what I got for Christmas, due to my husband actually having some time off, lots of work  and other circumstances I have not been able to log as often as I had promised, expect to be overloaded!


Bitch spoilt me with more than I could have ever imagined or wanted. Make up, Nars Nail Varnish, a New Phone Cover, Hair Oil and my personal Favourite, A Ryan Gosling Coloring in book. hehe, Not to mention she also picked me up a scarf set and a small bottle of malibu! mmmm


Once again I was a very spoilt girl, My main present was a Kindle Fire hd, I also had two different nail art kits a Disney dalmations toy, A stunning neclace in a celtic style. I had some Sarah Jessica Parker NYC perfume and a new purse, some snow fairy shower and bath get, a hair wand and a harry potter book. all in all i was treated like a queen and I loved all my presents!


Karen got me a stunning sequined beret and a sparkly black purse, she also got me a nice Disney mug with one of the kittens from the aristocats on it!

Other Presetns


2 more sleeps, one more day, last minute rush and the final calm before the storm. Christmas is almost here, as my friend has said this is Christmas Eve eve!

I love 6pm tomorrow night, when all shops (bar a few corner ones) close and if you haven't remembered or have missed something then its tough cookies, It's just time to relax and calm down and try and enjoy the few hours peace before Christmas day is upon you.

I will be (after a day of drinking and gossip with Laura) having a nice glass of baileys and trying to get ready for the next day where I have to drive over half the city, meeting family and doing different Christmas day activities such as going to church, trying goose for the first time, and stuffing my face with all the junk food I can (Plus lots of presents)

Right now bed is calling me and I can't wait til about 7pm where I get to open 1 present early, I am such a Child!